Product development
We take care of the details of hardware and software development, so your team can focus on more value-creating tasks such as research, system design, manufacturing and sales. We help your engineers by freeing up the time they would otherwise spend on boring, time-consuming routine tasks. We offer a wide range of services to streamline your development projects, and our qualified engineers can assist you in a variety of subject areas.
Vad Vi Gör

Vi Erbjuder En Rad
Fler än 40 Svenska företag jobbar redan på Filippinerna, inklusive Volvo, Ericsson, ABB, och Atlas Copco. Alla drar de nytta av samma fördelar: den stora mängden kvalificerade ingenjörer, alla med Engelska som huvudspråk, samt service tänkandet och kostnadseffektiviteten. Vi erbjuder idag fyra typer av ingenjörstjänster:
Mekanisk Design
Design av mekaniska komponenter i plast, metall, keramik, etc
2D och 3D Design
Design för formsprutning, maskinbearbetning, gjutning och stansning
Felanalys, toleranser
Mold flow analys
Design av förpackningar
Tear down analys
Anskaffning, tooling
Hardware development
System architecture
Analog and digital circuit design
Circuit board design and layout
Prototype development
Simulation, testing, debugging
Error analysis
Cost reduction
Software development
Fast programvara för inbyggda system
Mobila Android och iOS applikationer
C#, C++, ASP, .NET, Visual Studio
Java, Javascript, PHP, HTML5
eCommerce sidor
Full Stack Utveckling
API Utveckling
UI/UX Utveckling
Teknisk Dokumentation
Tekniska Beskrivningar
White Papers, Fallstudier
We understand that every industry is unique, and we offer specialized engineering services to meet the needs of different sectors. Our team is dedicated to delivering high-quality solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of your industry.
Stark Ledningsgrupp
We have a strong management team that ensures that all your needs are met. Our engineering leaders in the Philippines have been working together since the 90s. Our project managers have more than 20 years of experience in leading international projects in electronics, software development and IT security. We look forward to working with you!
Experienced Engineers
Meet some of our engineers!

First name
Brief description of background

Name Lastname
Name Subtitle
Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

Name Lastname
Name Subtitle
Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.

Name Last name
Name Subtitle
Describe the team member here. Write a brief description of their role and responsibilities, or a short bio with a background summary.
Datasekretess och Datasäkerhet
Vi följer EU:s riktlinjer för datasekretess och datasäkerhet i alla våra projekt och tjänster. Vi förstår vikten av att skydda känslig information och arbetar proaktivt för att säkerställa att all data hanteras enligt GDPR och andra relevanta europeiska lagstiftningar. Våra processer och system är utformade för att ge våra kunder fullständig trygghet, med robusta säkerhetsåtgärder och strikta rutiner för dataskydd som överensstämmer med de högsta standarderna i branschen.

They provide an excellent service, allowing us to expand our remote engineering R&D in a very cost effective and efficient manner. I have been especially impressed with the experience and strong work ethic of their engineers. They have a keen understanding and appreciation for their role in the success and well-being of our company.
Dan Riley
Senior Project Engineer

Strikt Utvecklingsprocess
We follow the latest methodologies in project management, including Agile, Lean and Scrum. As a customer, you are always directly involved in planning, budgeting and reporting. Everything is tested, all changes are documented, and we use cloud tools such as Github, JIRA and Confluence so that you can easily keep up with all projects.